Dictionary of the Bible

With entries ranging from earthquakes and mice to feminism and the Dead Sea Scrolls, this dictionary is a lively and absorbing reference work for all readers of the Bible. Authoritative, accessible, and up-to-date, it provides helpful information about the books of the Bible, customs, religions and worship, history, and theology, important places, and personalities. Providing clear explanations of technical terms, methods of interpretation, and critical analysis, as well as notes on leading biblical scholars and their contributions, it is also concerned with denominational interpretations of the themes and doctrine of the Bible. W. R. F. Browning is the author.

Accessible Archives

The Pennsylvania Gazette 1728-1800; The Civil War: A Newspaper Perspective (The New York Herald, The Charleston Mercury and the Richmond Enquirer); African American Newspapers: The 19th Century. The Liberator( 1831-1865) Godey's Ladys Book 1830-1880

Academic Search Premier

Academic Search Premier (ASP) is a multidisciplinary database of scholarly articles. Covers literature from 1984 to the present.
