Religious Studies and Education

Primary Search

Primary Search, designed specifically for elementary school libraries and public library children's rooms, contains full text for more than 60 popular, elementary school magazines.

Education Abstracts

Education Abstracts indexes and provides summaries for articles in more than 535 English-language journals and yearbooks published in the United States and elsewhere.

Pluralism Project

An ongoing research effort, the Pluralism Project studies and interprets religious diversity and interfaith relations in the United States. The site includes an introduction to the religions of the world through the lens of America, a survey of the interfaith encounter in America, news, the case initiative-  applying the case method to study dilemmas and disputes in multireligious America, and more.


PsycINFO indexes and provides abstracts for the professional and academic literature in psychology and related disciplines (psychiatry, education, linguistics, neurosciences, etc.).... Read more about PsycINFO


Provides access to full text of articles for more than 50 journals published by the American Psychological Association and the Canadian Psychological Association.... Read more about PsycARTICLES