Where's EBSCO?

December 2, 2009

Students often ask, "Where's EBSCO? I need an article on EBSCO."

EBSCO is a company that provides access to a large collection of databases, many with full-text articles, including ATLA Religion Database (ATLA), which covers more than 700 theological journals and is the most frequently used database at HDS. 

To locate an article on EBSCO, simply enter the journal name, volume, and year in the Find It At Harvard online form, and click the purple button.

Find It At Harvard locates articles whether online or in print. It will find articles on EBSCO, on JSTOR, on Project Muse, in the stacks, or anywhere else at Harvard. 

Other important databases for our field that are presently available through EBSCO include: Catholic Periodical and Literature Index, New Testament Abstracts, Old Testament Abstracts, and Index to Jewish Periodicals. Our subscription to Index Islamicus will soon move to EBSCO.

Some other key databases, like Bibliography of Asian Studies, are provided by other vendors. In the past, our access to ATLA was provided by a different vendor. Since the library's relationships with vendors are subject to change, Find It At Harvard is a more reliable way to find articles than hunting for specific vendors.

For more assistance in locating articles, contact a research librarian.