Parker's Journal Entry on Emerson's Divinity School Address

" ... so beautiful, so just, so true, & terribly sublime ...."

parker - full

Sample entry from Theodore Parker's Journal. This is the entry for July 15, 1838, written after hearing Emerson's Divinity School Address [Journal, Volume 1].

Sunday 15thEmerson

After as usual preaching, Sunday-schooling, teachers-
-meetinging [sic] &c wife & I went over to Brookline & took
Mary Anne & proceeded to Cambridge to hear the Vale-
dictory sermon by M. Emerson. In this he surpassed him-
self as much as he surpasses others in the general
way. I shall give no abstract, so beautiful, so just,
so true, & terribly sublime was his picture of the faults
of the church in its present position. My soul is roused,
& this week I shall write the long-meditated sermons, on
the state of the church & the duties of these times.